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Robert's story - Admitting to a drink problem saved Robert his job. 

Alcohol Problem

Robert had been drinking at dangerous levels for many years.  He started as a social drinker and as his responsibilities at work grew, so did the amount he was drinking.  Robert hadn't realised that those around him had noticed how much he was drinking and he thought that he was doing a good job of hiding it.  Robert started needing a drink before work and felt as though he was able to judge the amount he drank to allow him to get through the day without having a hangover.  Soon however he found that he needed to drink in his lunch hour and this is when his employer stepped in.

Robert's employer approached him about his drinking and told him that if he admitted he had a problem and sought help then his job would be saved for him to return to at the end of his treatment.  However, if he denied he had a problem then he would be dismissed as of immediate effect.  Robert admitted to his employer that he had a problem and they were able to help him into treatment.

How Linwood Group helped 

Robert's employer offered to pay for his treatment at the Linwood Group and he attended Linwood Park the following week.  Although Robert had admitted to his employer that he had a problem in order to save his job, he had not yet admitted it to himself and was unable to admit it to the group during his therapy.  It was only following a Liver Function test that he had whilst in treatment, where his results showed that his GGT were in the 3000's that he was able to see the damage that his drinking was doing.  At that point Robert was willing, through fear of his health, to admit that he had a problem and needed help.

Life after Linwood

Robert has since returned to work and has found that his employers kept to their word and have continued to support him in his recovery.  He was allowed to return to work doing light duties at first which helped him not to feel over whelmed and only returned to normal duties when he felt ready.  He has found that he no longer feels as though he fits in with the rest of the team as he chooses not to go to the pub with them and they have had problems understanding Robert's illness and how to support him.  Robert has found that the aftercare provided at the Linwood Group has been essential to him as he said that this is the place where he feels the most comfortable and understood.  Since receiving the results of his LFT Robert has not taken a single drink and has now been sober for 4 months.



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